They say they have left their homes for fear of being caught in the crossfire between government soldiers mostly belonging to the 58th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army conducting offensive operations in the vicinity of their villages and rebel insurgents of the New People's Army, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
The affected villages and settlements, most of which are tribal or lumad communities nestled amidst the timber rich mountains bordering the municipalities of Lianga, San Agustin and San Miguel, are considered "rebel controlled or influenced" by the government and the military and have been classified as such for decades now. During the 1980's, for example, the Diatagon area was the location of many violent clashes between government forces and NPA guerrillas, fierce encounters that had esulted in many casualties for both sides.
Getting verifiable reports of what is really happening in Diatagon can be difficult in Lianga where no local print, radio or television news media exists but from all indications the military operations there have been apparently going on for some weeks now. There have been reports of armed encounters between government troops and the insurgents and rumors of casualties but neither the military leadership here or the local municipal government has been keen to talk about what is really happening.
As a result of this dearth of information, rumors are rife that the on-going offensive is part of an overall plan to eventually clear this part of the province of the presence of rebel forces in preparation for the entry of economic interests keen to invest in mining and logging ventures in area. In 2005, similar clearing operations by Army troops in the nearby Andap valley also led to the mass exodus of mountain folk to evacuation centers in Diatagon. Until now, the rationale for that military action has not yet been fully explained.
What is worrisome are reports from evacuees that some military units are actually occupying villages and that a number of their troops are living with residents and sleeping at night in private homes, thus essentially using these civilians as human shields. Schools and other public buildings have been reported to be similarly co-opted. As to whether in all these cases the permission or consent of residents or their community leaders were either sought or not, one can only speculate.
Complaints of unnecessary and illegal searches of homes and persons are also being made. Also cited are cases where patently private information were allegedly improperly solicited from residents through threats and intimidation. In many instances for example, private mobile phone numbers were supposedly demanded by soldiers manning checkpoints and some residents, including children, were allegedly intimidated and threatened to provide soldiers with information about NPA activities in their area.
If this accusations and reports are all true then the local military brass has a lot of explaining to do. Their mandate to fight insurgency and enforce the law even in insurgency prone areas does not include the right to use whatever methods they think necessary, including those violating basic human rights or are in direct violation of the generally accepted rules of war and armed conflict, even in an domestic insurgency setting. This is especially essential when dealing with civilians and non-combatants even if they may be sympathetic to or are actually supporting opposing or enemy forces.
Accusations of military misconduct aside, it must also be pointed out here the municipal government of Lianga is supposed to be the one responsible for monitoring the on-going military operations in Diatagon and coordinating with the military units on the field to ensure that the personal safety and general welfare of civilians in the affected villages are not in any prejudiced or disregarded. But municipal officials, except for a few exceptions, have been strangely silent or noncommittal whenever this issue is raised.

There is a comparable fog of war that has settled in the midst of the villages and communities in the remote highlands of Diatagon. But what is happening there is no game and the local people have the right to know.
In the meantime, an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear hangs over these hamlets and settlements and that is something that the unfortunate residents there, as well as the people in Lianga and Diatagon, may have to live with for the time being and who knows for how long.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one that is concerned about the situation in Diatagon. As that community is right next door to St. Christine, where most of my family live, I’m concerned about anything going on in the area. Like you, I have been unable to find out any information about the operations, or even to find out if the LGU is taking care of the needs of the evacuees.
Several things concern me about the situation, not the least some reports in news stories about the conditions, although I have to wonder where they are getting their information. For example: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/storypage.aspx?StoryId=100390 discusses “Diseases and hunger stalk 1,548 evacuees”, or the claim from http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/cag/2007/11/26/news/army.npa.conflict.causes.caraga.evacuations.html
“the 36th Infantry Battalion (IB) said they received reports that a considerable number of these evacuees are suspected communist NPA rebels and sympathizers.” There are many resources on the internet to receive some amount of news, but not enough for my interest. I pledge to disseminate as much information as I can find and I hope you will share your information as well. http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2007/dec/02/yehey/prov/20071202pro1.html is another resource for you.
I went to the gym in Diatagon and I found there, families who need more than they are receiving. These people should be considered refugees and as such should be cared for in the best possible ways. Where is the government that these people depend on at a time like this? There should be a team here from the federal government to determine the needs of the people and the community that is trying to help them through this terrible time. These people are displaced, the kids are not in their familiar environment and as such their education is at risk. Keep in mind, there are no showers in the gym and the CR facilities are minimal, it would be very easy for major diseases to break out and there is little that the hospital in Lianga could do if hundreds start getting sick.
Whatever the situation between the military and the rebels, the situation needs to end soon. These people need to be in their homes and all this armed conflict needs to end now. Nothing whatsoever has ever been accomplished in this kind of conflict; it’s only through peaceful change that long term benefits will emerge.
Mark and Merejen