The mood at the Lianga elementary school grounds where the town folk always cast their votes was sober, subdued and little of the expected electric excitement of the closing days of the campaign period was in the air. The mood was resigned and a matter of fact.
I had expected the situation to be more hectic if not chaotic and, for a moment, I thought if I should wonder why that was so. You see, the reason was already clear and obvious in my mind.
Elections under a democratic system of government are exercises anchored in a people's hopes and aspirations for a better and kinder future. They are based on one premise, that the ordinary citizen and man on the street has the power, collectively together with his peers, to shape and determine the future of his community and country by the right to choose the leaders who will be serving in his government. This right of suffrage is a fundamental cornerstone of the democratic way of life.

It is patently clear and obvious that that there was rampant vote buying and electoral fraud in the last elections. In Lianga in particular, most, if not all, of the political candidates and parties engaged in the massive buying of votes. There were reports too of voter intimidation, ballot tampering and other forms of electoral cheating.
This is, of course, not something new. In fact, the practice of vote buying, for example, in Lianga has become so commonplace during elections that it has become elaborately systematized and tolerated by all, even by those who consider themselves ardent moralists and believers in the democratic ideal.
The fact is that the majority of the electorate in Lianga are fast losing hope in the electoral process as a means of effecting positive change in their local and national political leadership. They are now seeing the elections as mostly a parody of the real thing, a lie that seeks to hide the sobering fact that the electorate have become merely impotent tools of entrenched political forces and interests whose goal is simply to achieve political power to protect and promote their own agenda.

But the obstacles are formidable and there are still many of those among the common folk who, though they favor immediate change, simply feel impotent and insignificant in the face of the powerfully entrenched political and economic forces that favor and promote the prevailing social and political order. The end result is the apathy and resigned indifference that continues to plague the fragile democracy we have struggled and sacrificed so much to establish.
After voting I wandered around the voting precincts for a while. I watch the voters come and go. That the people are voting in an environment seemingly free for fear and intimidation is, I supposed, something to be thankful for. In many ways, the scene before me that day was reassuring and reminiscent of a democracy in action. If there is something wrong in the process going on that day it was not visible or even immediately palpable.

Perhaps there is some degree of comfort and bliss in such pretension and indifference. The question is for how much longer they can feign such indifference without paying the ultimate cost for their complacency and suffering the consequences of their lack of vigilance.
Or perhaps, maybe they are already paying the price without knowing it.
Hi Benj!
ReplyDeleteI can see you're still the same old Benjie that I used to know - ever the politically-inclined one.
Don't know if you still remember me. We used to be classmates in our major subjects during our college years in USJ-R. I used to be very thin - morag walis tingting, but now I've gotten to be meatier - but not like you, huh! I was constantly with the group of Margaret Ople, Gwen Labitad, Chevin Vasquez, Lulu Laurel, Liberty Hortelano, etc . . .
Anyway, I came across your blog through patsadakarajaw's website, and I just posted a note to say hello. It's been years . . . don't know if you're still in contact with the rest of the gang.
Also, last March 17, we were on our way to Butuan from Cebu via a Sulpicio carrier. We were transporting my husband for a brain surgery that Dr. Boy Layno recommended for him. By chance your doctor-sister and your mother were also with us, and your sister was really a big help for us. Gratis! Please tell her my husband is well now after 2 major operations, and is on his way to Dubai in July to visit me for a few months. Do extend our deepest thanks to her.
Hope you are well, enjoying your blogging and possibly by now, eyeing someone for your lifemate!
God bless you.